Bloomers, Finances, Personal Growth, Tapping
7 Steps to Conquer Procrastination using EFT Everyone procrastinates!!! Sometimes it even feels good. Many of us wait to the very last minute before we do something, and find major motivation knowing that it is now or never. (I did a whole bachelor’s degree...
Bloomers, Finances, Money Mindset, Tapping
5 Powerful Ways to Change your Money Programming Having been in business for myself most of my life I have seen many businesses come and go, and I have seen that our subconscious beliefs are often working against us. Setting up obstacles that get in the of achieving...
Blog, EFT, Finances, Money Mindset, Tapping
Well, we all know our mothers never lied, right? In this case, she probably didn’t. She was just passing on to you, advice that she thought would make your life easier. She didn’t want you to get your hopes up, or expect too much. Number 1 ~ I think we were all told:...
Blog, EFT, Finances, Money Mindset, Tapping
Most of us have the goal to grow our businesses to make a great income to support our families and to put money away for the future so that we can enjoy retirement, travel and have a comfortable life, for our whole life. Learning how to invest in the stock market will...
Blog, EFT, Finances, Money Mindset, Tapping
Your mindset is the key to your success, not just in business, but in life too. It is too easy to listen to the voice of others telling us that we can’t do something, that it is too hard, or too scary and we give up on ourselves. This can happen in every area of our...