What you need to get started with EFT tapping?

What you need to get started with EFT tapping?

  Have you heard how good EFT tapping is, heard others comment how it felt like magic and heard everyone from Lousie Hay, Wayne Dyer, and Dr. Mercola recommend it, but how on earth do you know what to do.  How do you get started?   Step 1 Access a chart or a...
12 Mindset Quotes for Mindful Entrepreneurs

12 Mindset Quotes for Mindful Entrepreneurs

  Being in business for yourself is the most demanding self -development course you will ever do.  It is full of ups and downs, fun and tears. We are not the first on this journey, and to help us on this journey we have the wisdom handed down from some of the...
Money Myths Number 1

Money Myths Number 1

The number 1 money myth that I think we all have to a greater or lesser degree is: “You have to work hard for your money”. We all know that right? How else are we going to make money? If we are not making enough then we just need to work longer hours, or harder or...
The oddest places you will find tapping

The oddest places you will find tapping

Watch the FREE video: Tap away the fear of flying Hi everybody! It’s Kay here from KayBayly.com and today we’re going to do a new video blog called “The oddest places you will find tapping”. Now what does that mean? Well, we sit here and we...