Your beliefs about success

Your beliefs about success

Hi everybody! It’s Kay here from and today we’re going to talk about your beliefs about success. What do you think success means and can you be successful? So your goal is to be successful. You have set the goal. You’ve got the...
Is There A Downside To Success?

Is There A Downside To Success?

Have you ever watched someone and been amazed how they cannot see all the ways that they are self-sabotaging? Well, you might be surprised to realize that people are watching you in the same way. We are all the same. We all have blocks, blind spots and unconscious...
How to have LESS STRESS

How to have LESS STRESS

So many good talks at the Heart Mind Connect Conference, and I wanted to give you a taste of what I have been learning. First cab of the rank is Dr. Helena Popovic’s talk, “Turn Stress into Success” I wanted to share this talk with you as I know what a big issue...
Do you have a noisy critical voice inside you?

Do you have a noisy critical voice inside you?

Do you have a noisy critical voice inside you, yelling at you and telling you where you have this life thing wrong? Today’s blog is all about that voice, where it comes from and why it is there.  Then I will talk about some strategies for showing her the door. It is...