Weight Loss Blocker 3

Weight Loss Blocker 3

I don’t want to make them feel bad. Do you have a group of girlfriends that you love to do things with? You go to the movies and eat popcorn and lollies. You go out to lunch and share some desserts. You go out and party and enjoy some drinks together. Many of my peers...
Weight Loss Blocker No.1

Weight Loss Blocker No.1

Weight Loss Blocker 1 – Our Beliefs I am sure you already know that weight loss is tricky. We see plenty of ads that say drink this or do that and the weight will fall off in just a couple of weeks. There is an ad showing up on my Facebook feed at the moment that...
Comfort Food

Comfort Food

Ahhh, even the words comfort food sound good. So comforting. So warm and cosy.   What are your comfort foods?   Chocolate mousse, cream puffs, macaroni cheese, potato bake, hot chocolate with marshmallows, ice cream, and chocolate. There is a big variety of...