What is the number 1 top money myth of all time?

money root of all evilMoney is the root of all evil

It seems like this one is still around.  It comes from a miss quote of the Bible that says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil” I think the rest of the verse is even more important “which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”(1 Timothy 6:10)

Therefore, the real meaning is that coveting after money is the actual issue.  Coveting means wanting something so badly that you would be willing to do almost anything to get it, and in doing so you will be pierced with many sorrows.

Knowing your values and how you intend to run your life and your business is what this scripture is trying to teach us.

Be assured, it is not money per se, or even wealth that is the issue.  In fact, most of the prophets in the Bible were very wealthy men, and were blessed with extra wealth.

So why does this myth persist?

I am sure that most of us would think we don’t believe this.  Yet I hear people saying it every day. It is just that it is said slightly differently.

What do you think when you see a rich person in trouble on the news on TV?  What is your first thought?
What do you feel when you hear about someone who is super rich?
What are the thoughts and feelings that come up with these questions?

We probably do not go around saying that money is evil, but thinking that rich people must be criminals, that they could not have amassed that much money legally is suggesting that lots of money and criminality go together.

Of course, sometimes is does.  There are rich criminals who have gained their money on the suffering of others.  But that doesn’t make the money itself bad.  It is the person.

Money will enhance who you are.  If you treat people badly then having money probably means that there are now more people around you to treat badly.

But the converse is true.  If you love people, want to help and look after them, then having money will enhance those traits.  You will treat those who work with you with respect, and care.  You will use your money to help others, either by developing businesses or charities to help, or by giving away large portions of your income.

As heart centered entrepreneurs our dreams are to make the world a better place, and money is one of the things that can make a big difference.

Money is nothing more than a tool to be used according to your own values.  Start now, at whatever income level you are at, and grow the character traits that you want to have as a multi-millionaire.

One habit that is easy to get into is tithing.  Take 10% of all you earn and donate it to your favorite charity.  If you only earn a small amount, you still only pay 10%, as you start earning large amounts, you pay a much larger amount, but still only 10%.  Your money mindset will grow along with your income.

Another way that we show how we feel about money is how we talk about our income.

How would you feel if I suggested that you discuss your income with people on Facebook or with those around you daily?Is money a secret not to be discussed in polite company?


Look at what you thought and felt when I suggested it.

Are you feeling that somehow that is dirty, or unacceptable to talk about money?  That it is just not done.  If you earnt lots or very little you might worry that people will judge you, or change their thinking about you, or……..

Again, it is not money that is causing those thoughts, it is the values of the people around you, and your feelings about being judged.

Money is nothing more than a medium of exchange.  I have some eggs; you have some wheat and we swap.  Now I want to buy something else and the person does not want my eggs, but they would like some gold, so I swap my eggs for gold, and then take that gold and buy myself a coat to keep warm.

Whether is it eggs, gold or pieces of paper makes no difference.  It is a medium of exchange that we have all agreed on.  We put numbers on the pieces of paper and we accept what it says.

If I have a large income it means that I have been able to exchange my eggs for lots of pieces of paper.  I have served people well, and been well paid for that service.

What are your thoughts about money?

What other money myths do you believe to be true?

Click here and I will send you a list of 55 common misbeliefs about money.  Go through the list marking those that you feel are true.

Then go back looking at the ones you have marked and give them a number from 1 – 10 identifying how much you feel it is true.

These are the ones that need to be tapped on.

You will never be able to make a large income while you believe that rich people are criminals.  Think about it – if you want to be rich, then you will have to be a criminal.  If you are not a criminal, then you can’t be rich.

Which other thoughts ring true for you?

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