Blog, Bloomers, Bloomers Frontpage, EFT, Finances, Money Mindset, Personal Growth, Stress, Tapping, Weight Loss
Fear is something we all understand and have felt many times, possibly even daily. And sometimes fear is valuable. It is good to be wary around snakes and spiders. It is good to stay away from the edge of the cliff. And it is good to check out those spots on your...
Blog, Bloomers, Stress, Weight Loss
Stress is like that unexpected guest who barges into your life uninvited, overstaystheir welcome, and often brings a lot of emotional baggage. But did you know thatstress can also bring along some physical baggage, in the form of extra pounds? Let’s talk about...
Blog, Bloomers, EFT, Personal Growth, Stress, Tapping, Weight Loss
Today we are taking a deep exploration of the intricate dance between stress and weight gain. In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an unwelcome companion for many. But did you know that this seemingly intangible force can have a tangible impact on our...
Behaviour, Blog, Bloomers, EFT, Money Mindset, Tapping, Weight Loss
Stress The notorious troublemaker that sneaks into our lives when we least expect it. It’s like that uninvited guest who overstays their welcome, draining our energy and sabotaging our lives. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of...
Blog, Bloomers, EFT, Weight Loss
I’m Hungry I am writing this blog on a cloudy and cool Saturday. I do not have a single activity planned for today, so obviously it is a good day to get ahead with writing my blogs and doing work in my business, but I am not in the mood. ...
Bloomers, Bloomers Frontpage, EFT, Weight Loss
You can’t make me!!!! I love this blocker as it sounds so much like me, and I would think there is an element of this in everyone. When we were children most of our life was determined by other people. Our parents and other caregivers, our teachers, other leaders,...