Is there really such a thing as fear of success?

Is there really such a thing as fear of success?

Hi everybody it’s Kay here and welcome back to another video blog. Today we’re going to talk about fear of success. Now many of you will have heard of fear of failure and we all know that feeling of like, “Uh, I can’t do that. I might mess it...
Why do I need a mindset practise?

Why do I need a mindset practise?

Download your FREE Tapping Journal Hi everybody and welcome to today’s video blog and if you’re receiving this on the 17th of November, then it’s my birthday! Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me. Oh no a lady doesn’t normally give away...
What if my course is not good enough?

What if my course is not good enough?

Align to Your Launch Goals in 5 Days Hi everybody and welcome back to this week’s blog. Today, we’re going to talk about something that happens to many of us especially when we’re writing a course and putting it out into the world. And it’s the...
How to manifest your goals

How to manifest your goals

Hi everybody. It’s Kay here ready with another blog. And today we’re going to talk about how to manifest your goals. Now we’ve all heard the word manifest and we all hear, we read the secret, we know about manifesting, and often we hear it quite...
Why do we leave the most important things till last?

Why do we leave the most important things till last?

Buy Courses with Heart and receive Cultiv8 for FREE Hi everybody. It’s Kay here from and on today’s blog we’re going to talk about a really important thing called procrastination. Now I know no one has ever procrastinated. Maybe...