
Here you’ll find my writings on money, mindset, EFT – and weight loss.

Good health has been a big part of my life’s focus for many years, and I’d love to share with you what I’ve learned. If you’d like to dip into any blog category in particular, just click on the button below.

Grief: A Normal Part of Change

Grief: A Normal Part of Change

Grief. The word often conjures images of funerals, black clothes, and tear-streaked faces. But grief isn’t reserved for loss through death. It’s a natural, universal response to any kind of significant change. When life shifts—whether it’s the end of a marriage, a...

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I’m Gonna

I’m Gonna

Does this sound familiar? I'm gonna get do this, or that... one day... You’ve been telling yourself, “I’m gonna start that project. I’m gonna make a plan for my future. I’m gonna take that big step to change things up…” And yet, here you are—still waiting, still...

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Small and Simple Things

Small and Simple Things

Are you willing to spend a little bit of time every day doing things that most people won’t, so you can spend the better part of your life doing things that most people can’t??? Think about it. The small, tiny decisions you are making each day.  The small acts. Wiping...

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5 Painful Truths That Lead to the Life You Were Meant For

5 Painful Truths That Lead to the Life You Were Meant For

There are some truths in life that we spend a lot of time ignoring or pushing to the back of our minds. They’re uncomfortable, challenging, and, frankly, hard to deal with. Yet, these truths are fundamental to our growth, shaping the paths we take, and leading us to...

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The experience of transformation

The experience of transformation

For a number of years, I have been trapped in a vicious cycle of frustration and disappointment.   When my husband died I knew that I did not want to stay sad and stuck and I thought with all the skills and knowledge that I had that I could move through grief quickly....

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