Top 7 Youtube clips / channels for tapping

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Hi everybody. It’s Kay here from and welcome to another blog, and today we’re going to talk about the top seven YouTube clips. So these are places that you can go and learn more about tapping or follow along.

The most famous of course being Brad Yates. He has hundreds and hundreds of YouTube clips that you can follow along and tap along with him and many people like his style. His very calm, he’s very relaxed with just a little touch of humor. I actually got to meet him recently in in real life in person and he’s actually delightful in person. Even more so than his videos. So it’s certainly Brad Yates and go there for pretty well anything. You could put in “tapping for..” and Brad Yates will probably have a video for it. I forgot and I think it’s like 800 videos or something he’s got. He’s been doing that over a number of years.

I actually told him that my goal was to catch him and he congratulated me and said, “Go for it.” So that’s lovely.

The other people that you’ll run into when you do tapping and YouTube will be the Ortners. So Nick Ortner is sort of the big one and you will see him on stage presenting tapping on stage, but you’ll also see him talking and you’ll see his sister Jessica Ortner. She particularly talks about tapping and weight-loss and they’ll also give you some good introductory lessons on tapping and how it works.

Their brother Alex Ortner is also involved in their tapping group and he does tapping for children and he’s brought out a new book. I don’t see him so much online. I think he’s a bit of a behind-the-scenes family, but it’s really good. The whole family’s involved and they are delightful people online and really gives some good information. There’s a movie called ‘the tapping movie’ I think or ‘the tapping solution’. It comes around as a free movie every every year or so. Well worth watching.

The other one to watch is Jon Gabriel. Now Jon Gabriel is known for weight loss and he particularly did affirmations and meditations for weight loss and he lost a massive amount of his own weight. I’ve actually met him in real life and he really is a skinny and as fit and as good-looking as he comes up on YouTube. He lost all the weight without any saggy skin without any operations. He’s actually had people check his body to make sure that that’s true and he certainly is. He’s slim, trim and athletic and he found tapping about two years ago. So it was quite interesting. I was watching him as a weight loss coach and then all of a sudden he started talking about tapping. There’s a clip here where him and another tapping expert called Carol Look talk about using tapping for weight loss. So that’s a really good clip / channel to watch if you’re interested in that.

And then the Nick Ortner again. I’ve put one in here where Nick actually is on stage and someone comes up and they’ve lost their voice. They can’t talk. Not just a cold but an actual lost their voice and you can see him and he talks about it in other clips where he was a bit doubtful. He’s like, “Oh, I don’t know if I can bring back a voice.” It’s only about a 10 minute clip and it shows you how he taps on that person and their voice comes back. It really is one of those miraculous things that we see with tapping. So good fun to watch.

I’ve also included a YouTube clip / channel from Bruce Lipton. Now Bruce Lipton is a scientist well known for his work about cells and genetics. He talks about the power of tapping. So he doesn’t actually do a tapping thing, but he talks about the power of tapping and how his research and the research about tapping relate to each other.

And of course, the seventh one to watch is mine. So I might not be quite in the same league as these other people yet, but it’s certainly where I’m going. I have a really good webinar that I’ve put out and so you can log into that and learn about how to tapping and money go together. So hopefully you’ll enjoy those those little clips. They’re only about 10 minutes each. So pick the ones that interest you and enjoy.

Here are my top 7 youtube clips / channels for tapping:
1. This is Brad Yates, well known on Youtube for his tapping videos. He has a calm, relaxed style and hundreds of Youtube videos on every topic you can imagine. This one is about money and other good stuff.
2. The Tapping Solution talks about how tapping rewires the brain.
3. Margaret Lynch talks about tapping for $50,000 income. She is the current money expert.
4. Nick Ortner Taps on Voice Recovery. Sometimes tapping can even produce miracles. Someone who couldn’t speak. Watch what happens.
5. Jon Gabriel has been encouraging people to look beyond diets to lose weight for a number of years and has used meditation and affirmations. Just two years ago he came across tapping for weight loss and is now a strond advocate for tapping for weight loss.
6. Bruce Lipton talks about how his research and tapping work so well together.
7. My very own youtube channel!

Bye for now and happy tapping!