How do you know if you are being sabotaged by sub conscious belief’s about money?
Well if your goal is to have more wealth and financial freedom, and you have tried a number of ways to achieve this goal and haven’t succeeded …. then it is a pretty good indication that you have be-liefs that are holding you back.
These are thoughts that run through our conscious and sub conscious mind that are how we really feel. They are not true, but because our subconscious mind doesn’t understand the difference be-tween a truth and something that we just grew up with, then it makes sure that we behave in a way that makes the belief true.
Mark all those that when you say them have some ‘feeling’ for you. Do not use your conscious brain to analyse, just listen to the body and if it reacts.
□ You have to work hard for money
□ Business is risky
□ Waste not want not
□ You’re just a woman
□ Money is hard to come by
□ I can’t afford what I want
□ There is not enough money to go around. If I make a lot of money, then someone else is going to miss out
□ I’m just a housewife
□ Watch your pennies and the pounds will look after themselves
□ Things always go wrong for me
□ I’m waiting for the other shoe to fall
□ It takes money to make money
□ Money doesn’t grow on trees
□ You have to go to university if you want to be wealthy
□ You have to own a business if you want to make real money
□Having money isn’t spiritual
□ I don’t deserve lots of money
□ You can’t have both time and money
□ We have always struggled, that is just the way it is
□ I was born poor, and there is nothing I can do about it
□ I don’t deserve things that come easily
□ Book work is boring
□ Money doesn’t matter to me
□ Easy come, easy go
□ If I have money my friends won’t like me
□ People will only like me for my money
□ Talking about money is yucky
□ I’m not smart enough to make lots of money
□ You have to work very long hours to make a business work
□ You can’t be rich and have a happy family
□ I am always unlucky, nothing works out for me
□ You have to rip people off to have money
□ Rich people are greedy
□ Money always seems to slip through my fingers
□ Money doesn’t buy happiness
□ Rich people a crooks
□ Money is the root of all evil
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