Charging What You Are Worth

Charging What You Are Worth

Have you ever thought that you should work hard to make money?  Fess up.  I am sure you have.  I have not worked with a single person that does not have this belief.  It is part of our culture; it is part of what we believe makes us “decent” human beings. We have been...
Women’s & Men’s Money Myths

Women’s & Men’s Money Myths

Do you struggle to manage your money? Do you find it difficult to talk with your partner about money and it feels like you are talking two different languages? Well, maybe that is exactly what is happening. Men have grown up with the feeling that they are they hunter,...
Money Myth No. 3 : Time = Money

Money Myth No. 3 : Time = Money

I really want to help you learn how to bring financial abundance into your life, without taking on another “J.O.B.” or killing yourself working a million hours. Seriously, this has to stop. People are just working WAY too hard, for WAY too little...
Is Your Money Mindset Holding You Back?

Is Your Money Mindset Holding You Back?

We read fabulous stories of women being so successful in business, and making millions of dollars. You might even ask if this is true, and is it possible. Yes, the stories are true and it is possible, but one of the first things you need to do is to work on your money...