Charging What You Are Worth

Charging What You Are Worth

Have you ever thought that you should work hard to make money?  Fess up.  I am sure you have.  I have not worked with a single person that does not have this belief.  It is part of our culture; it is part of what we believe makes us “decent” human beings. We have been...
Weight Loss Has Nothing To Do With Calories

Weight Loss Has Nothing To Do With Calories

We all know people who can eat whatever they want, and never gain weight, and others just have to look at a picture and gain weight (this is actually true – they did research and found that for some people just looking at a picture of chocolate cake put on weight) So...
Kay Gets Ranty About Light Bladder Leak Pads

Kay Gets Ranty About Light Bladder Leak Pads

I was watching TV recently and an advertisement comes on talking about light bladder leakage and the need to wear these incredible pads. I had seen some ads a year ago or so talking about the same thing, and they were showing grandmothers laughing and picking up...