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Hi everybody. It’s Kay here from and on today’s blog we’re going to talk about a really important thing called procrastination.
Now I know no one has ever procrastinated. Maybe it’s just me.
But why do we leave the most important things until last? It’s crazy isn’t it?
You know we might be going to do a fantastic course and we’re going to launch it and we do all the pretty pictures, but we actually forget to create the content.
And maybe that’s not you but I’ve actually done that. I actually had a course in April last year where I launched it, I promoted it, I wrote the emails, I did everything except actually create the course.
Can you believe that?
I actually forgot. Why I didn’t forget. I just kept thinking I’ll do those videos later. I’ll do them later. I’ll do them later.
And the day before the course started it was like, “Oh, I really better do those now.” And I started and I did them. I did two, sorry.
And I had this major tech issue and they wouldn’t upload, and they didn’t upload, and they didn’t upload, and they didn’t upload. It took 24 hours to upload one.
So whew! Got that out just in time right? Just made it and then I’d made the second video but it didn’t upload it.
So come the next week and it’s like Sunday again and it’s like, “Oh no! That video needs to go out again.” And I uploaded it and it didn’t upload. So at the same tech problem.
Now maybe you are a quicker learner than I am but I did that one more time. I did it three times in a five-week course.
The last two times I actually got it right. But I had done everything else, I promoted the course, I’d done the emails, I got it all organized, and forgot
to do five videos and upload them.
That was stressful. That was serious stress.
Procrastination leads to stress. Guaranteed! Right?
And it does seem like when we procrastinate we procrastinate on the important stuff.
So why would we do that? That doesn’t make sense does it?
Well, I’ve got some theories.
Number one: I think that we procrastinate on the stuff that’s important. Like the stuff that feels really important. So we think, “I want to get this right. I want to do it right.”
So if it’s something like a video. “Well, I want to make sure that the Lighting’s right and the backgrounds right and all of those other things are right.”
So you just keep putting it off because obviously it’s never gonna be perfect. There’s always going to be something wrong.
Some of my video is today I’ve had the birds chirping up and I was listening to them back I’m thinking, “That actually goes quite well with my background and the birds chirping.”
But you know it’s very hard to get things perfect. I’d have to go into a recording studio and do this if I was going to have no other sounds.
And that’s just not part of where my business is at. So there’s no such thing as perfect. There’s always gonna be stuff that stuffs up.
But somehow we procrastinate thinking that somehow I just gotta wait till everything’s perfect.
Because the other thing we do is we worry about it we’d like, “Oh yeah, but this is really important and maybe I’d I just got to do that more. Maybe I should say that and maybe I do that.”
And we spend our time worrying we spend it on thinking.
It’s not like we’ve just ignored it. We think about it all the time.
We just don’t actually get around to doing it.
So all that worry is sitting there on your system. All of that stress and that fear and the worry is all sitting there.
But you’re not doing anything about it. Those just making the worse and I think we leave the things that matter the most to the end.
We somehow just I don’t know we get all their easy stuff done. I’m suggesting that procrastination is a really big key as to why you won’t be successful in your business.
So you procrastinate doing a webinar because well you know, “I’ve got to get my messaging right. I’ve got to find the right clients. I’ve got to test some
things more and practice.”
And so you’ve got all these reasons why you don’t do a webinar. The difference between the person who does a webinar every month and a person who never quite gets around to it. The difference between a successful business and a business that’s not so successful.
It really is that simple.
Procrastinate doing the videos on your course. Well you end up so stressed that you never want to run that course again.
You’ve got to redo all the videos because they won’t all that good. And you’ve got to make them perfect and you go do it right and so forget it I’m not running that course ever again.
And that’s exactly what’s happened.
I’ve never run that course again.
So what did my procrastination lead to? Zero.
I’ve never run the course again and yet it’s a perfectly good course.
I want to help you so that you don’t run into these issues. I’ve got to reduce the stress.
So one of the ways to reduce the stress is planning. Get yourself organized.
Now how are you gonna get yourself organized when you’re creating a course?
Well, I recommend that you buy – Corbin’s course. Tash Corbin’s been my business coach now for the last year and she is just brilliant.
She can I don’t know she’s got this really unique ability to quickly pick up what message you’re trying to get across. She understands these hearts into businesses and can quickly understand the key of your business on where you want to go. And she gives that hands-on attention and she cares about every one of their businesses which is just amazing.
And I don’t know about you but I find I need that hands-on care. I am no good at just reading something and putting it into practice. I like to have to talk it over with someone. To share it, to ask questions and that’s what you can do with Tash Corbin.
And she has this brilliant course where she’s combined the course creation with the course launching. Which of course no point creating the course without launching it.
And that’s you know maybe that’s the procrastination is the launching bit and the creation.
So she’s got both in the course creation and the course launching.
Now as a bonus what I’ve got to offer is the mindset that goes with the launching. Because the launching brings up so many mindset issues.
And I’ve got this wonderful course called Cultivate. And we’re going to cultivate the mindset that enables you to launch with ease.
So Tash is going to help you create the course. She’s going to give you the technical stuff, the business stuff of how to launch and as a bonus you’re going to get my course on how to use and work with your mindset to make sure that you don’t do things like procrastinate the important things of the course.
Make sure that you don’t procrastinate sending out those emails or doing the Facebook lives or whatever it is that your particular area of vulnerability.
Work with my program cultivates so that we can have that ease.
So isn’t that exciting? The business strategy and the mindset strategy together.
So you will see the link below to buy Tash’s course: “Courses with heart” and as a bonus you will get my program Cultivate.
And let’s eliminate procrastination and get your course out there.
So you can shine and share your brilliance with the world.
Bye for now and I will see you next week.