Hi this is Kay from KayBayly.com
I noticed an issue when I read through different Facebook groups and there’s so many people don’t have their face on their Facebook profile and when asked particularly by our lovely Tash, “Why don’t you have your face on your Facebook profile especially when you’re trying to run a business?”
Most people say, “Ahh but you know I don’t want to. I don’t like my face. I haven’t got any good photos.”
Most all of these excuses are about why we don’t have a photo on their Facebook page.
They are fears. They’re all tappable fears.
I’m here to state really clearly,
“You will never succeed in your business, while you’re trying to hide behind a picture of a pretty flower or a cute dog.”
You have to put your face out there especially on the internet because that’s where people are going to know when they like you by looking at you.
They’ll never know and like you if you’re just a pretty flower.
So it’s really important to put your face on Facebook and if that brings up fears like: “I’m ugly. I’m not pretty. I can’t take a good photo. This is scary. Who’s going to look at me. What are people going to think about me. What about my big nose and my funny chin, my wrinkles.”
Well, let me tell you I’ve got wrinkles gray hair and that’s the way life it is.
That’s who I am and that’s what people want to get to know. They want to know the real me.
If I put a picture of a thirty-year-old up on there. It’s not me.
I’ve got nice photos from my twenties and thirties, but that’s not who I am.
So put yourself on Facebook and if that brings up fears, tap on those fears.
This is where tapping really works so well for people in business.
It would be something like, “Even though I think my face is ugly. Even though I’m so embarrassed when I
see myself. Even though there is no good photos of me. I love and accept myself and how I feel.”
You can see how that’s a very powerful statement.
“I accept this. I don’t like looking at photos of myself, but this is how I look and I accept it.”
And then you go, “I’m afraid what will people think. No one will like me. I look ugly.” And whatever
thoughts are coming up for you. So i encourage you to really dedicate some time to find a photo, put on Facebook, and tap on all the feelings that come up.
Happy tapping everybody.