Quick Tip On What To Say When Tapping

Hi, This is Kay from KayBayly.com

Today I have another tip for you and it’s about a question that I get asked about, “I don’t know what to say so I feel like I’m going to get it wrong”.

One of the best things about tapping is you cannot get it wrong.

So if you’re tapping and you miss a spot, that’s ok. That’s fine. Just keep going.

If you find you’re staying too long on one spot especially this one.

It’s interesting that especially something like anger: “I’m really angry.” “I’m so fed up.”

You might stay there for a while. That’s perfectly fine.

If you find that you’re just going, “I’m angry. I’m angry. I’m angry. I’m angry.”

That’s fine too, but trying to get into the emotions. So see if you can dig a little bit deeper.

But sometimes we really need to start just at that spot and calm down that response so we can then think about what we need to do.

So my big tip for today, “Just tap. You can’t get it wrong.”

Okay, happy tapping. Bye.