My big adventure, when will you take your next adventure?

Have you heard my story about buying a motorhome during COVID? 

I had a dream trip planned and paid for to Israel, Jordan and Egypt to leave Australia on the 1st April 2020. 

But the world closed down at the end of March.

My trip was cancelled, and then we had a 6-week lock down where we couldn’t go more then 5 kms from home.  I was feeling down. 

I had set up that trip as my first big step a year after my husband’s death.  It was my reward for getting through that year!!

And now it was gone.

I was at home feeling sorry for myself, and a friend phoned to chat with me.  He reminded me of a trip our family had done 25 years earlier in a motorhome.  2 adults and 2 tweens.  I loved the trip.  He suggested that I could do it again by myself. 

That is a crazy idea.  When we did that trip, I was a fit 40-year-old, with an amazing husband who could fix anything.  There is no way I could do a trip like that by myself.   

But the seed was planted.

I’d spent the weekend researching motorhomes, what was available, how much they cost, and all the variations.  It consumed my weekend. 

Then Monday morning one smart salesman phoned me, and suggested I come and look at what was available.  He mentioned that the stock was really low as there was a high demand I should come in soon. 

I went that day.

Looking at the smaller van and it felt squishy.  Then I looked at the bigger van and I liked it.   It had everything that I thought I needed from my previous experience.  

An indoor toilet and shower, a place to sit if it was too hot or cold outside and lots of storage. 

Then I signed the contract to buy it then and there!!!

Sitting inside the van and wondered what I had done.  Maybe I shouldn’t do this.  Where will I go?  What if something goes wrong?  Am I going to like travelling by myself?  I started to panic. 

Just then a lady about my age popped her head around the door and asked if I had just bought this.  She commented that I looked just like she did a few days earlier when she bought the sister van. 

A stunned, bemused expression on my face showed my thoughts. 

We felt crazy for making such a big decision

She had been out buying cushions and containers and other bits for her new home.  We talked about how crazy we felt making such a big decision, but with overseas travel cancelled for the foreseeable future and we didn’t want to be stuck at home, this seemed like a great idea. 

Her pep talk helped me not tear up the contract and a few weeks later I was back to pick up my new to me, home away from home. 

That first drive was scary. 

This is a big vehicle.  Nearly 5 tons.  7 meters long and 3.5 meters high.  And I am driving it through the suburbs of Brisbane and over the Gateway Bridge.  (a very tall, 5-lane bridge carrying lots of traffic and big trucks to the port of Brisbane.)

This was scary.  I was driving slowly across this bridge, and I am sure it annoyed people, but it felt like the trucks were hemming me in. 

But I survived. 

It didn’t come with any of the accessories I knew I needed and so I stopped at the hardware shop and the RV accessories shop.  I was so brave maneuvering around.  I picked my parking spots carefully and tried not to get stuck. 

My goal was to be ready for the next weekend to go to a group meeting of other solo motor homers.  I knew this would be a safe first destination.  About 2 hours from Brisbane in a small town.  It was a perfect first outing. 

I was having an adventure and meeting lots of new people

And then I did another way a few weeks later.  I met some boring people, but I also met some amazing people.  One woman asked if I would like to travel with her and two others up to the Gulf country.  This sounded like just the right thing to do. 

Covid restrictions was stopping travel to most places, but we were free to travel around outback Queensland.  And it was the best thing. 

Luckily the friend I was travelling with was a very organized person and booked things ahead because we were not the only ones travelling outback Queensland. 

I spent time in Outback Queensland

You might have heard that tourism suffered, and I am sure it did in some places, but outback Queensland was not one of them.  Every second vehicle on the road was an RV of some sort.

It was an amazing trip, and I loved it.  I was hooked and planned another big trip to Tasmania for the summer.

I was very lucky getting there through the different restrictions in each state, but I made it.  If you have not motor homed around Tasmania, you have not lived.

It was spectacular.  I am so glad I got to enjoy our island state for two whole months.  And then it got very cold, and it was time to get back to Queensland.

I made it up to Alice Springs to visit a friend

I did one more big trip over to Alice Springs to visit the friend who has suggested I buy the motorhome.  Again, I was lucky to get through the different Covid restrictions of each state, but I made it and had a wonderful visit with them.

And from there I went up the coast to Cairns visiting lots of places on the way and hanging out in my favourite towns of Bundaberg and Innisfail.

Then I was needed to support my family and stopped my travels to enjoy two years living on the Sunshine Coast.

And now it is time to travel again.

But I am nervous again.  “Do I want to do this?  Can I do this?  What if something goes wrong?  Did I really enjoy it before?  Will I enjoy it again?”  I am not running away now.  I have a nice new home and a very comfy life and no covid.  I could just stay home.

I was invited out this past weekend to go camping with friends and learn how to kayak.

It sounded like a good opportunity and I liked the group that were inviting me, and although I procrastinated, I bravely said yes.

And you will be surprised to hear that I thoroughly enjoyed it and discovered that the motorhome is the BEST way to camp.

Your next big adventure

Hey friend, like me you might want to travel around Australia in a motorhome.  Or maybe a cruise is more your style.  Or perhaps it is something else.

Each one of us has dreams and aspirations, things in life we want to do and create, but doubts and fears hold us back and keep us stuck.

As a certified life coach who’s overcome a lot of her own obstacles, I can help you achieve your dreams and live the life you desire.

Sign up here for a free 30-minute session. 

I will help you figure out what is getting in your way and you will walk away knowing the exact next steps you need to take.

Love Kay