Facing Our Fears: How Fear Stops Us from Doing What We Really Want

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about something you’d love to do but felt a sudden jolt of fear that held you back?

You’re not alone. Fear is a powerful emotion that has a sneaky way of preventing us from going after our dreams.

Have you found yourself looking at your life and wondering, – what now? 

Maybe you have suddenly become single, the children have all left home or you are looking at redundancy and now you need to make a new plan for the future. 

That might look like a new career or business, travelling solo, or even just trying out a new hobby but you are finding that fear is stopping you in your tracks.

The Fear of Failure

One of the most common fears is the fear of failure. It’s that nagging voice in your head that whispers, “What if you mess up?” or “What if you’re not good enough?”

This fear can be paralysing. We might worry about what others will think of us or how we’ll cope with the disappointment if things don’t work out.

So, instead of taking the plunge, we stay in our comfort zones, where things are predictable and safe.

Think about it: how many times have you talked yourself out of doing something because you were afraid you might fail? Maybe you didn’t apply for that dream job because you thought you weren’t qualified enough.

Or perhaps you didn’t pursue a passion project because you feared it wouldn’t be successful. The fear of failure can be so overwhelming that it stops us from even trying.

The Fear of the Unknown

Another major roadblock is the fear of the unknown. Stepping into unfamiliar territory can be terrifying.

Our brains are wired to seek safety and predictability, so when faced with uncertainty, it’s natural to feel anxious. But here’s the thing: all great adventures begin with a leap into the unknown.

Imagine if explorers like Columbus or astronauts like Neil Armstrong had let their fear of the unknown hold them back. We wouldn’t have discovered new lands or reached the moon!

While your dreams might not be as grand as exploring uncharted territories, they are just as important.

Embracing the unknown can lead to incredible growth and new experiences that you never imagined.

The Fear of Rejection

Rejection is another fear that can stop us in our tracks. Whether it’s the fear of being turned down for a date, a job, or an opportunity, rejection stings.

It’s a blow to our self-esteem and can make us question our worth. This fear can make us avoid putting ourselves out there, keeping us stuck in a cycle of inaction.

But here’s the truth: rejection is a part of life. Everyone faces it at some point, and it’s not a reflection of your value as a person. Every “no” brings you one step closer to a “yes.”

By avoiding rejection, you’re also avoiding the possibility of success. Remember, the most successful people in the world have faced countless rejections before achieving their goals.

The Fear of Change

Change can be scary. It disrupts our routine and forces us to adapt to new circumstances.

Even when we’re not completely happy with our current situation, the comfort of the familiar can be hard to let go.

This fear of change can keep us stuck in jobs we don’t like, relationships that don’t fulfill us, or lifestyles that don’t make us happy.

But change is also a catalyst for growth. It pushes us out of our comfort zones and helps us discover new strengths and abilities.

Embracing change can lead to a more fulfilling and enriched life. It’s important to remind ourselves that change, while challenging, can bring about positive transformations.

Overcoming Fear

So, how do we overcome these fears and start doing the things we really want to do?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Acknowledge Your Fear: The first step to overcoming fear is recognizing it. Acknowledge what you’re afraid of and why. This can help you understand your fears better and start addressing them.

  2. Take Small Steps: You don’t have to face your fears head-on all at once. Start with small, manageable steps that gradually build your confidence. Each small victory will make the next step easier.
  3. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Our fears are often fueled by negative thoughts and assumptions. Challenge these thoughts by asking yourself if they’re really true. Often, our fears are based on worst-case scenarios that are unlikely to happen.
  4. Seek Support: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Talk to friends, family, or make and appointment to chat with me here about your fears. Sometimes, just voicing your concerns can make them seem less daunting.
  5. Use the power of EFT 
    EFT stands for Emotional Freedom technique, and it is a powerful tool to reduce stress and increase confidence.  It is easy to learn, and you can do it anytime you feel the fear.  Check out my video here where I explain a bit about what it is and how to use it.
  6. Focus on the Positive:
    Instead of dwelling on what could go wrong, focus on what could go right. Visualize the positive outcomes and remind yourself why you want to pursue your dreams in the first place.
  7. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: Instead of seeing failure as something to be avoided at all costs, view it as a learning experience. Each failure teaches you something valuable and brings you closer to success.

Final Thoughts

Fear is a natural part of being human, but it doesn’t have to control your life.

By acknowledging your fears and taking proactive steps to overcome them, you can start doing the things you really want to do.

Remember, the only way to truly fail is to never try at all. So, take a deep breath, face your fears, and go after your dreams.

You’ve got this!

And I am here to support and guide you through into this new phase of life.  I have been where you are, and I know what it feels like. 

Make an appointment here for a free chat and we can discuss how I can help you overcome fear and be excited about the next chapter.