The experience of transformation

For a number of years, I have been trapped in a vicious cycle of frustration and disappointment.
When my husband died I knew that I did not want to stay sad and stuck and I thought with all the skills and knowledge that I had that I could move through grief quickly.

But I was wrong.

Grief is grief and it takes time and rushing it does not work. Some experts will tell you 1 year, I was surprised when my counsellor told me 2 years. And guess what – she was right.
At the two-year mark, I could see the world and feel happy again on a fairly constant basis.
But I was still struggling with discovering who am I now, that I am no longer a wife and my children have left home.
The problem was that I kept thinking that I just needed to find something to make me happy, to fix my sadness, to change.

The truth is that I needed to experience TRANSFORMATION.

This is because change is based on the misconception that it requires intense willpower, exhaustive effort, and considerable time.
Change is about trying to FIX something that is broken or wrong.
But Transformation is a shift in BEING and then Doing.
There is nothing wrong. You are not broken.
Transformation involves letting go of the old and allowing the new to emerge naturally and effortlessly.
And it doesn’t take years. It is a beautiful process to find the you that has been drowning.
If you find that you are drowning and need some help through this process, from someone who has been in your shoes and understands your journey contact me here, and let’s chat. 
No need to go through this alone.