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Hi everybody and welcome back to this week’s video blog and today we’re going to talk about overwhelm.
Overwhelm specifically about writing and launching a course.
So is that something that’s in your near future that you’d like to write a course and watch it?
But the fear of like it’s just too much, it’s too hard, I don’t know how to do it, just overwhelms you and you just back off and think, “No, no, I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing”.
And you know that that’s the next step in your business. You know that that’s where you’d like to go we all have that dream of a business that operates passively. So whether your course is going to be a completely passive course or a leverage course which is one where it’s stuff that people do online but also you’re
involved and you’re talking to them which is where I hope to go with my new course called Cultivate.
Where I will be working with people as they launch their courses and they’re going to help them with their mindset. But I’ll be there working alongside the people and talking to them each week which to me sounds like perfect to working with the group.
But being there unable to talk because I like talking to people. So you’ve got an a dream of a course you’ve got some plan of things that you’d like to get out to a larger group of people rather than one on one.
What’s stopping you?
So there are two parts to any business strategy. There’s the business side that the how, the what, the when, the where. In this case, the platforms, the delivery method, all of that is the business strategy.
And then there’s this other side the really important side called the mindset strategy and many of the mindset experts will tell you that mindset this side is actually 80% of your success. Eighty percent.
We all know that we need the business strategy. We all learn more about our particular product. We all learn more about business we worry about the tech all of that side of things feel so big. And yet an actual fact this side with a mindset side is actually the bigger side.
Why? Because it stuffs us up. It’s the one that gets in the way. All this is learnable. All this we can get people to help us with. There’s many many supports for this.
This is the one you’ve got to do yourself. This is the one that you have to work on every single day for yourself.
And that is actually the key.
If you listen to anybody who’s been successful in their business, they will tell you that mindset was the number one key that took them from that level to that level. The change in their mindset. It’s that important.
But at the moment you’ve just got this dream for a business and you’re feeling completely overwhelmed because there is. There’s the tech issues and yeah there’s tech issues. I can assure you.
And then there’s the writing it. And that takes some some effort too.
And then there’s the launching it. And the launching it is probably bigger deal than the writing it. Because the writing is the stuff that we already know but you’ve got a launch and there’s you’ve got of a process and a plan and everything in place to write it.
And then we’ve got to deal with the mindset.
So feeling overwhelmed is perfectly normal unnatural but not useful. What are we going to do about it?
Tap it all away! It’s as simple as that.
Overwhelm comes from you’ve got so much information you want to give people and you want to put it all in the course and the course experts will tell you, “don’t put too much in because if you’re feeling overwhelmed by everything we wanna give people, they’re gonna be overwhelmed too.”
And actually less is more.
So that feeling that need to put everything in? Tap that away.
Because that’s not right. We need to give people one step at a time. Easy doable steps so that they don’t feel overwhelmed and you don’t need to feel overwhelmed creating the course.
The other thing that will often do it is the fear that you’re not good enough. That your course is not good enough.
And this is a really big one.
And there are experts out there and they’re doing a fantastic job and they’re wonderful and they’re you know gurus.
But they’re not you. And the real thing that people want is you. So you are good enough. You’re good enough just like you are, but you have to get out there and do it.
So again tap away all of that feeling of not good enough because that will hold you back so much. And believe that there are people out there waiting and needing what you have to offer. And that is so valuable.
So tap on why all those feelings of overwhelm, of there’s too much to do, I’m not good enough, who’s gonna listen to me, I’ve got to be more perfect before I get it right.
We talked about that last week that that need to be perfect. That need to be you know lose a bit of weight and put on some good makeup and have you know spend the money on the backdrop.
All of those things are just ways to procrastinate getting your message out there.
The key to getting your message out there and having a successful business is to do it.
The key to overcoming overwhelm.
As I said cut down on the things that you’ve got to put in your course. Don’t overwhelm the client as well as not overwhelming yourself and tap away that feeling of overwhelm.
And that feeling of that you’re not good enough and that your products not good enough.
The other thing you can do is log into a Tash Corbin’s course called “Create and launch your online course”. It’s a free course and you can join it today by the link that you’ll see below and that’s a wonderful way and it’s a free way to just get some of that business strategy out of the way.
And then when you’re ready to launch come and look up my program called Cultivate which is launching on the 4th of January ready to support you for your new year’s courses. Ok so links below and I’ll talk to you next week. Bye.