Your business coach has suggested you need to do some Facebook lives

What are you feeling?

It is time to get some new pictures for your website, maybe some full-length ones. What are you feeling?

Maybe you do not have you face on your profile picture and you are constantly hearing that you are not really in business if you do not have your face up on Facebook.

You have heard plenty of times that making money on line is all about the know, like and trust factor, and how can someone know you if they do not even know what you look like, but what will they think when they see you?

Do you have messy hair, or wrinkles?

Do you think your nose is too big, or your eyes too small?

Maybe you feel that you blink too much on video.

Or you are shy about your weight and if I show all of me, what will people think

There are so many good reasons that we give ourselves as to why we do not want to put picture of ourselves up.

Basically, it boils down to – people will see me and they will judge me.

Yes, there is that risk of being judged. The internet can be a harsh place and we see all sort of body shaming happening, but I suggest they are not your ideal clients. In fact, they will not even be looking at the types of things you are offering. They are too busy being trolls of the celebrities.

One of my VIP clients had her first hate post last week, and I was talking with her and discussing how this is a sign that she is doing really well. It might not feel like it when you first read it, and many thoughts could be going through your mind. But what it means is that now you are visible.

All sorts of people can find you, and some of them won’t like what you say, some of them wont’t like what you look like or sound like, or what country you come from. That is actually OK. You do not want to appeal to everyone.

But many of us have the fear of being criticized, and we are really uncomfortable with that.

It might remind you of a critical parent or teacher when you were growing up. Or maybe you could never please your parents not matter how hard you tried. Maybe you were teased about how you looked – too skinny, too fat, too happy. (I actually had a random stranger on the street one day, walk up to me and say quite aggressively “what are you smiling at?”)

Rather than trying to please everyone, and be everyone’s friend, lets clear the fear of being judged and criticized. Then you can go ahead saying what you know to be true for you, with no fear.