We have heard how good affirmations are, and how important that we state our dreams and goals in positive terms, yet I have been saying that with tapping we need to say the negative. So what should we do?
When tapping it is not the negative exactly, it is what is the TRUTH for you, where you are right now. It is important to say this with tapping as we are accessing our feelings and emotions about an event from our life, whether recent or in the long distant past. We need to feel and name the feeling and all the parts of that experience.
The healing is in the feeling.
So do affirmations have a part to play?
Yes, they are still important. We need to be clear where we want to go and how we will feel when we get there.
So “ Money flows to me easily”, “ I am a money magnet”, “my body is healthy and strong”, “I am married to the most loving husband”, “I have tons of energy”
These are all good statements and absolutely what we want to have. When you say these statement now, how true do they feel for you? Say them out loud. Can you hear yourself saying, “yes, but…..”
Tapping works with the but. Tap until there is not more but. Tap until these statements feel true, and then say them as often as you want. They are now free to manifest in your life. There is nothing holding them back and they will be true with the work and time that you give them.
Affirmations are wonderful – after you have cleared the BUTS, and SHOULDS and COULD HAVES