Small and Simple Things

Are you willing to spend a little bit of time every day doing things that most people won’t, so you can spend the better part of your life doing things that most people can’t???

Think about it.

The small, tiny decisions you are making each day.  The small acts.

Wiping sticky fingers, cuddling a child who has a tiny cut, listening patiently as they slowly tell the story – this is how great people are made.

Choosing nutritious food, going for the walk, stretching each morning, going to the gym – this is how to age healthy.

You ultimately become what you repeatedly do.

Knowledge itself won’t do it. It doesn’t matter how many books you read or TED talks you listen to, you have to start action.

Changing only happens when you take action and daily action.

Day by day it will appear that nothing is changing, but when you look back everything is different.  That is the power of daily rituals

What are your daily rituals – the little things you do each day?

And failure works the same way.  It is not instantaneous.  It is the daily failures that you do not learn from that will come together and cause you to fail.

  • The extra food, every day
  • The walk that was skipped again to day
  • The gym that you signed up to, but hardly ever go
  • The books that you are going to read, but haven’t
  • The alarm you set, but then press pause
  • The nice letter you are going to write
  • The I love you that you were too busy to say

Even the insignificant daily rituals you engage in can produce ripples of consequences for better or worse.

How are you managing your rituals and thus your life?

Don’t try and change everything all at once, but slowly over the next 3 months left in this year, add good rituals and discard poor rituals and you will see a wonderful change in your life, leading you in the direction you want to go.

Here are some areas to look at to improve your life:

1.Clean up as you go

  • Wash the dishes as you use them.

  • Put your clothes away every day. 

  • Keep the bathroom clean. 

  • Small actions that add up over the week. 

  • Now there is not a mountain of clothes to sort out.  T

  • Here are not dishes clogging the sink and making you gag when you go into the kitchen. 

  • It will be easier to cook stopping you from feeling that you need to buy takeaway because it is too much effort to cook when every dish is dirty.

2. Keep a journal.

  • Write down your thoughts at the end of each day.
  • How the day went, how that feels, what you wish you had done, different, what you will do different.

This is where you start to act on the things you are learning.Who were you today, who do you want to be tomorrow?   What went right and what went wrong and why.

Just 15 mins of self-reflection that will slowly help you change. When you bring clarity into your life, you bring the best of yourself into everything you do.

3.Ritual of giving thanks before bed

Write out three things you are grateful for today. It takes the focus off all the things that you are disappointed with that day, and reminds you of the things that are good.  It is a great way to finish the day and go to sleep feeling good.

You will never be happy if you aren’t consciously thankful for the good things in your life.We spend thousands of dollars each year on things that we think will make us happy and instead, we can do this simple and free daily ritual.  It works when you bring clarity into your life, you bring the best of you

4.Increase the amount of vegetables you eat.

We sometimes think we need to do a major food overhaul, but if you start with some simple change.  I heard a fun suggestions once. If you love your pizza, chop it up and put it on your salad!!

Small and simple steps.  You don’t have to change everything in your diet, jut add vegies.  Then a few more glasses of water.  Then a bit more protein.  And the poorer habits will gradually drop away.

Renewing trust in ourselves is one of the most significant hidden benefits of practising daily rituals.

I know what it is like to lose trust in yourself.

For me it was the constant attempts to lose weight.  I would say to myself and those around me, that this time I am going to do it.  This diet is the one that is going to work.  This time I will stay committed.  And then in a week or a month, I would be back to my old habits and totally annoyed and frustrated in myself that I could not do what I said I would.

Eventually, I stopped even trying.  It became more destructive to try and fail than not even try.  And then my weight would creep up even higher and I would panic and try something crazy, that of course failed again.

I finally decided it was time to change

When I finally decided it was time to change, I needed to first change the belief that I couldn’t do it.  That I would fail again.  That I would let myself down.  This was the hardest part of the whole process.  The second hardest part was the realization that it was a change that I needed to make for life.

It wasn’t a quick fix

This was not a quick fix, but a change in the way I did things.  I am still working my way through this, but slowly building up trust in myself is an important change.

The knowledge that I can change.  I can make small changes each day, and stick to it.  I can trust myself.

What is the one thing you can do today???

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If you are a woman, who is going through a major life transition at the moment and feeling a little lost I would love your help!

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