1. What do you really want?
Step 1 is CLARITY. What is it you really want? Maybe it is to be a millionaire, but maybe it is not. Maybe you want to travel, but maybe you want to stay home and enjoy your garden, and making things. Everything is right. Don’t let the pressure from others, or the feeling that if you are in business you need to aim really high determine what you think you want. Don’t even let the you from 5 years ago determine what you want.
Your goal is exactly that – YOUR goal.
Be as specific as you can. So the example is that you want “to earn $50,000 in net income in 2017 from your business.”
2. Why do you want this?
This is your reason why, your motivation, and the emotion behind what you want. You need this emotion to make the changes, to achieve what you want. The emotion give the goal power.
For example, My motivation is my family. I love all my 10 grandchildren and want to spend lots of fun times with them. I want to be able to take them on holidays, and do fun things with them. We have enough money to live on, but I want to do more, and I am willing to put in the work and energy needed to achieve this bigger goal. My first step is Thailand at the end of February, where my youngest son is getting married. I would like all my family, children and grandchildren to able to come and spend time with us.
What is your motivation?
3. Why don’t you already have it?
This is a big question, and one that can be uncomfortable to face.
First, we need to take stock and see why we don’t already have what we want. Most people never address this issue and keep repeating the same pattern. People spend time trying to solve the business processes rather than the actual problem. By asking why you don’t have what you want, you should be able to get to the real reason.
So our goal in step 1 was $50,000, but this year you only earnt $20,000. You could give all sorts of reasons, but if things stay the same, then the income is unlikely to change either.
It is also probable that this is not the only area of your life that is not where you want it to be, and the why not, could be the same. i.e.: don’t feel that I deserve it, don’t feel that I am capable of achieving more, etc.
This is where the power of tapping is so important. Start by tapping on your goal and your feelings about your goal. “I want to earn $50,000 in my business next year, but I don’t think I can. It is too hard, I would have to work so hard, I would have to sacrifice too much…..” and keep going and keep tapping on all the thoughts that come up. These are the reasons why you do not have what you want. Until you have cleared the belief around your ability to earn that much, you will prove yourself true.
4. How are you going to get it?
Doing what you have always done, will get you what you have always got.
Something needs to change. You need a specific plan, but not detailed actions – yet.
If you want more money from your business then you need to work more hours, or put up your prices, or develop leverage products, or do group programs, or many other currently unthought-of of options. There are a number of choices, but you need to plan your strategy. As you tap on your why nots, you will possibly find that some brilliant ideas pop into your brain. Pay attention because these are the thoughts that you have been storing away, but never given the freedom to express themselves
It does not need to be perfect, but you do need to start. Keep it simple. Now write out a strategy of how you will get it. What combination of in person, leveraged and other things are you going to do?
If you are struggling with what the first action is, or taking the step after you have identified the problem then this also need tapping on. What fears do you have about the action, what are you thinking is going to happen? Tap.
5. What is your first Action?
This is where just doing a business plan often fails. They do not identify the one specific action that you need to do TODAY.
Plan for action – THE POWER OF MOMENTUM.
You might want to have an online program that people buy for $500 and you plan that 100 people buy it. That is great, but it does not identify the first step.
The first step might be to decide what your area of expertise is, and what you want to teach. That is good, because it is one step and it is doable. Once the first step is done you now have momentum on your side. You have started, and taken action. Now it is just a matter of taking another small step. Maybe you will make a list of all the things you would like to teach, and so one. One small step at a time. Tap to keep moving forward, to not get overwhelmed, to not sabotage yourself, and keep believing that it is possible to have your dream.
Keep tapping.